1800 43 47 37 02 4628 6420


GKA Analytical Services performs testing in accordance with international quality standard ISO/IEC 17025. We are committed to ensuring that our quality of service meets the requirments of this standard and your expectations. As a result, we would appreciate your feedback on our services by completing the form below.

Client Information

Considering all tests we have performed for you over the previous year, please indicate your overall satisfaction with our services.

Still taking everything into account would you say that our services:

Given the quality of services we provide you, how would you rate the overall value?

And how likely would you be to recommend our services to collegues?

Why did you give the above score?*

Please type in all you can think of.

Additional information

If you have any other general comments, suggestions, or feedback about our services, please include these below. If your comments relate to a specific analysis, please supply the relevant laboratory reference number.